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Living in the West? In light of recent events, this episode of REFLECT explores some of the esoteric, secret dimensions of the concept of martyrdom in the modern world. Islam has survived because of our firm grip on the past (Imam Husayn [A]) and our hopes for the future (Imam Mahdi [A]). Today, the Great Satan America is confronting the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Resistance Axis. We are giving many martyrs in the cause of Islam. What does this mean for us, living in other parts of the world?
On what moral grounds can it be justified to live under governments which are committing such heinous acts of aggression against Muslims and martyring the saints and soldiers of the movement of Imam Mahdi (A)? Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar provides deep spiritual food for thought, especially for Muslims living in the West, regarding the martyrdom of General Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis. These noble and heroic personalities were murdered by the cowardly American regime, which is the Pharaoh & the Yazid of today.
#QasemSoleimani #ImamHusayn #ImamMahdi #Iran #TrumpsWar #DeathToAmerica #SevereRevenge #Iraq #Iraq #Uprising #IRGC #CENTCOM #CIA #ImamKhomeini #Khomeini #Khamenei #IslamicRevolution #IranIraq #Hezbollah #TrumpsWar #ImamKhamenei #ImamMahdi #Mahdi #Resistance #Lebanon #Fatimah #AbuMahdialMuhandis #Qiyaam #Zuhoor #AbuMahdiAlMohandes #Muhandis #QassemSoleimani #USAtroops #UStroops #Iranattack #TrumpIsAWarCriminal #deathtoisrael #DeathToIran #QasimSoleimani #Qasem_Soleimani #QudsForce #WWIII #worldwar3 #WW3 #WorldWarIII