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What can be said about the courage of Imam Ali (A) and how can we apply it in the modern-day in our practical lives?
And what are some practical examples of courage in our daily lives?
What can be said about the Zuhd of Imam Ali (A) and was he poor?
And how does the Zuhd of Imam Ali (A) apply to our modern world?
What are some examples of Imam Ali\'s lifestyle?
Finally, what can be said about the Justice of Imam Ali (A) and how do we compare this with what we see in the world today?
In order to answer these questions we invited Sayyid Shahryar from the United States of America, to sit down with us and discuss the life and martyrdom of Imam Ali (A).
Our condolences to the believers all across the world upon the martyrdom anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful, the first divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib (A).
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