Views: 10177
The 41st installment of BISKIT is here with a #Christmas Special! Was Jesus a #Revolutionary? Did early Christians wear Hijab? Did the Bible foretell of the coming of Prophet #Muhammad (S)? Using proofs from the Bible, this BISKIT is bound to change your entire perspective on Jesus and Christianity. The Holy Quran says, “And do not dispute with the followers of the Book [Christians & Jews] except by what is best,” [29:46]
#MerryChristmas #Paganism #Christmas #Xmas #Bible #Jesus #WWJD #ChristmasTree #ImamKhomeini #ImamKhamenei #Monotheism #Trinity #Mary #VirginMary #Hijab #Hijaab #Catholics #Pope #Pedophilia #Pedophiles #ChildAbuse #Nuns #Priests #ProphetJesus #IslamicRevolution #JingleBells #Hebrews #IslamicRevolution #Lord #Saviour #ChristiansAgainstTrump #ChristmasOnMyMind #ChristianityToday #ChristmasTreeFarm #ChristmasParty #ChristmasCruelty #ChristmasTime #ChristmasDay #ChristmasEve #ChristmasHolidays #Christ #Scrooge #ChristmasCarol #Palestine #FreePalestine #Jesus_Was_Palestinian #SecondComing #ImamMahdi #ProphetMuhammad #Mahdi