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Welcome to Islamic Pulse Productions brand new series; \'Fact Flicks\", where Sister Huda shows you interesting facts in a flick.
In this episode we talk about the Holy Month of Ramadan especially since it\'s passing by as quickly as a summer breeze!
We all know that it’s the month of reform and repentance but how is this month unique?
What are the special features of the holy month of Ramadan?
Furthermore, how can it help us to break our nasty bad habits?
Well, here’s seven intriguing facts which may just answer your questions in a flick - wherever you are!
#IslamicPulse #FactFlicks #Ramadan #Resistance #Fasting #BadHabits #Spirituality #Quran #Allah #AhlulBayt #ImamAli #Shahadat #Wilayate #Sawm #Qadr