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Welcome back to the "Fact Flicks", where Sister Huda shows you some interesting facts in a flick.
As it’s the Holy Month of Ramadan and the Al-Quds day is approaching us soon, we decided to flick through some quick facts about the beautiful nation of Palestine.
What is Palestine best known for? Why does this piece of land have such a powerful hold on billions of people?
Get to know some of the special features of this holy Land.
Furthermore, sister Huda will be sharing some intriguing facts about the illegal occupation of Palestine in a flick, stay tuned till the end - wherever you are!
#IslamicPulse #FactFlicks #AlQuds #AlAqsa #Palestine #Ramadan #Resistance #Fasting #Quran #Allah #AhlulBayt #Wilayate #Sawm #QudsDay2023