Views: 6639
There are certain basic fundamentals that we must all understand in order to move forward in our spiritual journey towards Allah.
One of those fundamentals is who is God in the perspective of the holy Qur'an?
And in line with the aforementioned question, what are some of the attributes of Allah mentioned in the 2nd Chapter, Verse number 255 of the holy Qur'an?
Furthermore, why is the pronoun "He" used in the holy Qur'an when referencing to the Almighty Allah?
Finally, if Allah is displeased with us, is it possible for the Infallibles (A) to be pleased with us?
Sayyid Haydar Hasanayn answers these questions and helps us to begin to understand some of "Allah's Divine Attributes".
This series is based on the extraordinary book, Imam Khamenei’s “An Outline of Islamic Thought In the Quran”.
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