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Many – if not most – human beings go through life without ever truly undergoing the necessary transformation into the best that we can be. We come to this world as caterpillars, and it is our aim to develop into butterflies. But we often remain as crawling creatures of this lowly dimension, devouring our way through the dunya (worldly life), blind, deaf and dumb. When do we truly contemplate and make the conscious decision to be better? Brother Khalil Jafar beautifully sets forth an example of our existence in this world as something essentially alien. Do we really belong here? Is there a precedence within the Holy Quran which indicates that we were sent down from a higher realm of existence? What now is our aim in regards to life, the universe and everything?
#SelfDevelopment #Thoughts #Contemplation #Islam #IslamicTeachings #Quran #Ahlulbayt