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Have you ever been under surveillance, wherever you are?
I know, what a crazy question to ask, but it could happen.
Well, before we get to surveillance issues, salutations and blessings to you all, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the 9th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A)!
So how would you act, if you were under surveillance?
And what would you say, if you were under surveillance?
What are some pesky things that can potentially get us in trouble, especially if we are under surveillance?
And despite where our minds will most probably go when we think of surveillance, what are we really talking about?
And what does the 9th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A) say about being under surveillance?
Well, Sayyid Shahryar answers in this One Minute Wisdom Special, using the wise and thought-provoking words of the 9th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A), as we try to figure out, "Are You Under SURVEILLANCE?"
And please don't get paranoid, because it's not that serious if you make amends and start living the way you're truly supposed to.
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