Views: 7467
Sister Spade leveled us all up when she spoke to us about the difference between simply knowing OF the Imam and REALLY getting to know the Imam of our time.
But by the grace of Allah, Sister Spade didn\'t stop there.
Rather, she took us all up yet another level by explaining that REALLY knowing the Imam of our time is great, but what we really need to do in the next step is to build a relationship with the Imam of our time.
Well, Sister Spade is going to level us up one last time; so you better be ready because it\'s time to be IN the camp of Imam al-Mahdi (A).
And what a beautiful, auspicious, prosperous, and victorious camp it truly is.
#SisterSpade #IslamicPulse #Life #Questions #Islam #Quran #Ahlulbayt #RealityCheck #Mahdi #ImamMahdi #Saviour #TheAwaitedONe #Imam_Mahdi