Views: 2503
What happened to the world after the Industrial Revolution?
In what aspects of the world are we facing imbalance and why is that so?
And what is the imperialist-capitalist system doing to the natural resources of the world?
What is the fundamental reason that secular governments are not able to fix the problems of the world, even though they say that they are trying to?
What will the living Imam (A), the Imam (A) of our Time do, vis-à-vis the painful and extreme disbalance that the world is facing?
Finally, what will happen to the rains of the world with the advent of the Qaem (A), and what does Imam Ali (A) say about this?
Sister Spade explains and answers these questions and more, based upon selections from the book, The Essence of Creation, 3rd edition, as she speaks about "Bringing Balance to the Natural World".
It's time to pray for the advent of the 12th divinely appointed Imam (A), for only then can the natural world be brought back to balance.
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