Views: 3809
Why has Islam urged its adherents to refrain from usury (interest)?
We must recognize that a small group of rich and powerful individuals control the masses through deception. It is of utmost importance that those who have not yet recognized this, do so.
Who were the Freemasons? Who are the Knights Templar? And what is the Temple of Solomon?
Who was Prophet Solomon? What is the Kabbalah? And why were the crusades so significant in our history?
The origins of the Freemasons is a tricky subject to handle: one credible theory takes the group back to the Knights Templar, who were accused of witchcraft, idolatry, and satan worship.
This episode will delve into the theory to give some of the most prominent ideas associated to the Freemasons, how the Knights Templar are presented as heroes by Hollywood, and what all of this means in the greater scheme of things.
#IslamicPulse #Makinations #Dajjal #EndTImes #OneEye #GreatSeal #America #FreeMason #KnightsTemplar #Crusades #Ususry #GreatSatan #Hollywood #Islam #Quran #Forgiveness #Ahlulbayt #Contemplate #Think #Solomon #Shia #Sunni #Muslim #Revolution