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This one goes out to all the amazing Dads out there! Hey; It’s not a competition - both mums and dads out there have their own unique place and status in Islam. Since It’s Imam Ali (A)’s birthday, we’re celebrating with this unique Father’s Day Special exploring the rights of parents and diving a little bit deeper into the status of parents in Islam. There are verses and ahadith which would make a believer shudder at the mere thought of disrespecting ones own parents… But, how should we treat parents if they’re EVIL? Under what circumstances is it obligatory to DISOBEY the parents? How should one argue with ones parents? DISCLAIMER: This video does not license you to fight with your parents! … unless certain circumstances call for it.
#ProphetMuhammad #ImamAli #FathersDay #IslamicTeachings #Islam #Quran #Hadith #HolyQuran #Fathers #Dads #Dad #DaddyDaughter #DaddysGurl #DadJokes #Dadlife #FatherAndSon #FatherDaughter #Fatherhood #Fathers4Justice #Mums #Mum #Mums #Mother #MummyDiaries #MummyLife #Mummy #MothersDay #MothersDayGift #Sons #Daughters #Son #Daughter #HolyProphet #ProphetOfIslam #MessengerOfGod #Shia #ShiaIslam #Shiaism #Sunni #SchoolOfThought #StarWars #SkyWalker #FamilyGuy #Simpsons #SouthPark #BadDads #BadDad #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayThoughts #SaturdayMotivation #ImamMahdi #IslamicCulture #IslamicCivilization