Views: 5413
What is one of the signs of a corrupt, decadent, and extravagant society, and economic and political system?
Where is most of the world's wealth concentrated in?
And what do the people who have the greatest share of the world's wealth, do with that wealth?
What will the Qaem (A), the 12th divinely appointed Imam (A) do in the face of these unjust policies and this unjust distribution of wealth seen in the present-day?
What does Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (A) say about the condition of the needy during the government of Imam Mahdi (A)?
And with all this in mind, what does that mean we should be doing in the present time?
Sister Spade explains and answers these questions and more, based upon selections from the book, The Essence of Creation, 3rd edition, as she speaks about "Imam Mahdi's Just Distribution of Wealth".
It's time to pray and work towards the advent of the 12th divinely appointed Imam (A), for only then can the wealth of God's green earth be distributed justly among the people.
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