Views: 835
So as you live your life, as it passes day by day, there has to be some goals and objectives that you have.
But are we focusing on the wrong goals when it comes to our life as it passes day by day?
And what should we really be focusing on, when it comes to our life as it passes day by day?
Sayyid Shahryar explains using the wise and immaculate words of the Commander of the Faithful, in this One Minute Wisdom Special in ode to the Pillar of Religion, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A).
Our congratulations to the believers, wherever you are, on Father's Day and the auspicious birth anniversary of the 1st divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A).
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Allah #AhlulBayt #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Shia #Hadith #Tradition #FathersDay #Resistance #ImamAli #CommanderOfTheFaithful #Khaybar #Ali #AliIbnAbiTalib #1stImam #Wilayah #Life #Goals #Objectives #Reformation #Progress #Purification #SelfPurification