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Lesson 11:
-attributing a lie to Allah, the Holy Prophet (S) or the Ahlulbayt (A), breaks the fast
-is there a difference between saying a lie and writing it down?
-what if you confess that you lied?
-what if you’re certain that the hadith/quote is true, but later find out it was not true?
-what if you quote a lie that was created by someone else?
-if a fasting person does not pray his/her namaz
-touching a corpse requires a special ghusl (once the body is cold). Does touching a corpse break the fast?
-what if you perform any of the fast breakers (e.g you eat) forgetfully or unintentionally?
-does listening to music break the fast?
-the definition of masturbation
-matters to do with masturbation and sexual intercourse during fasting