Views: 2356
Welcome everyone!
Please pick up your pens and pencils because Islamic Pulse is about to present you a brand-new series, NoteWorthy!
Sister Huda is about to answer a lot of your What? Where? Why? When? and How? questions regarding everyday life that are NoteWorthy.
And so in this episode of NoteWorthy, we’re going to talk about ‘Hello!’.
What was the word \"Hello\" used for? Stay tuned to find out more about its origins and its uses, and its best replacement!
#IslamicPulse #Noteworthy #Hello #Hi #Hey #Newyear #2023 #Howdy #youth #girls #boys #Salam #Salaam #Why #Facts #AhlulBayt #TheAwaitedOne #Truth #Justice #Freedom #Independence #Revolution #IslamicAwakening #Honor #New #Year