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Secret Esoteric Dimensions of Wudhu (Ritual Ablution) | REFLECT
Wudhu is a washing process that Muslims perform 5 times a day and it is compulsory to be in the state of wudhu before touching the holy texts or praying. But how often do we contemplate over the hidden, mystical meaning behind the action of Wudhu?
Islamic Pulse’s new show, hosted by Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar, explores the hidden, esoteric dimensions of the Wudhu. It is a great misconception to assume that the rituals prescribed by Islam are merely physical, but rather, for every outer action, there is an inner, deeper reality. Inshallah, this will be the first of many shows exploring the often neglected hidden realities according to the mystics (urafa) and gnostics, grounded firmly in the Quran and Ahadith.