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Seven Special Scenarios To Find Sincerity | Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar
Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar eloquently expands on seven scenarios to do with mustahhab fasting, contemplating over which will open the doors to all acts of worship. This will change your life, the way you see your own actions and the way you view the people around us. There are billions of people on earth and around 1 out of 5 of them are Muslims... Everyone acts according to what he/she deems best, and some will justify thinking in a certain way. But only a very, very few actually find sincerity. How do we perfect our actions, whether Salah, Zakah or fasting? How do we know whether what we are doing is truly for the sake of Allah? How do we know that there is no Shirk hiding deep within the bosom of the worshipper when he worships?
#Islam #Quran #Ahlulbayt #Sincerity #Deeper #Spirituality #Love #ScholarClip