Views: 8260
America is on fire and it has the Zionists to thank for that. The murder of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, Minnesota has sparked intense protests throughout the USA, leading Trump to call in the military and national guard - but is the violence being caused by some protesters alone or is there something else going on behind the scenes? Are USA police trained in israel (occupied Palestine)? What else is the USA government hiding from the public? Are the people now waking up to the sinister, satanic agenda of the USA home and abroad? Sooner or later, the people of the USA, and indeed the world, will wake up to the reality that the one thing that can free humanity from the shackles of modern slavery is the Pure Mohammedan Islam, the Quran & Ahlulbayt (A).
#GeorgeFloyd #MalcolmX #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe #EricGarner
#Revolution #IslamicRevolution #AmericaProtests #BlueLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #NationOfIslam #MartinLutherKing #DeathToAmerica #DeathToisrael