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In light of the recent cartoons attempting to insult our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S) in #France, as well as the #QuranBurning in #Sweden, it is important to keep at the forefront of our attention the fact that these things serve two purposes: the first is to abuse the beautiful religion of Islam and the second is to DISTRACT YOU FROM THE REAL CORE ISSUE.
Shaykh Muzaffer Abbas Hyder explains the concept of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"UMBRELLA of the Taghut” and raises a fundamental question: while the Muslim world slips down the fiery slope of serving the DAJJAL and only a few now remain on the path of the Wilayah of the Mahdi (A)… will you fall for their illusion of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Freedom of Speech”? Or will you wake up to the reality of a global hijacking of history and the Islamic narrative in order to serve the interests of the Zionist elite?
Will you recognize the so-called “Muslim leaders” who are normalizing the idea of COLLABORATING with the enemies of the Mahdi (A)? Or will you fall for the sectarian divide being pushed through #BritishShiaism, #TakfiriWahhabis & #AmericanizedIslam?
One who takes his eyes off the enemy has lost.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut [the System of Kufr], while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray.” - The Holy Quran [4:60]
#ImamKhamenei #TheLeader #CharlieHebdo #Normalization #Normalizing #Palestine #FreePalestine #AlQuds #Jerusalem #Israel #Muslim #Islam #Quran #Iran #Iraq #FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #Paris #France #Holocaust #Nazis #Zionists #Pakistan #Islamophobic #ImranKhan #JeSuisCharlie #RasmusPaludan #NormalisingTies #Erdogan #UAE #Oman #Yemen #AmmarNakshawani #Nakshawani #Qazwini #UMAA #Biden #Trump #KamalaHarris #MemriTV #FoxNews #NewYorkTimes #BritishShiaism #Shia #Sunni #IslamicPulse #BACKFIRE