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The third installment of the Living Martyr explores General Soleimani’s unique close bond and friendship with Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, commander of the Hashd Shabi (PMF). It shows how the General united the various groups and factions within Iraq in order to destroy the brutal and bloodthirsty group, ISIS (DAESH). This special part also explores how General Soleimani blew the lid off the reality that America was collaborating closely with ISIS, supplying them with food, ammunition and military equipment. While the US tried to claim they were the ones who stopped ISIS, their mainstream media machine pumping out false information on their farfetched narrative, the informed world had woken up to the truth: America in fact supported ISIS and Iran defeated them. It is through the recognition of martyrdom that General Qasem Soleimani truly served the cause of Imam Mahdi (A).
#QasemSoleimani #AbuMahdi #AlMuhandis #HashdShabi #PMF #IRGC #Iran #Freedom #Syria #Afghanistan #Iraq #SevereRevenge #Revenge #Islam #DeathToISIS #DeathToAmerica #DeathToisrael #DeathToUK