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p. 166
Everybody has a Khaybar.
And a 'Khaybar' is a great fortress that seems to be undefeatable at face value, but with the power of the Almighty Allah and some sincere effort on our part, we can - in the end - come out victorious and triumphant.
But you're going to have to dig deep and figure out "Where Is YOUR KHAYBAR Today?"
It could very well be depression, anxiety, financial or familial problems, or even something like having no hope or not wanting to wake up in the morning.
But what two attributes are absolutely necessary if you want to be able to overcome and defeat YOUR Khaybar?
And what is a critical question that we must all ask ourselves that will help us to get through our struggles?
What does Imam Ali (A) say about the companions of Imam al-Mahdi (A), while keeping our discussion in view?
Finally, "Where Is YOUR KHAYBAR Today?" and perhaps more importantly, how will you defeat it and come out victorious?
Sister Spade explains and answers these questions and more, based upon selections from the book, The Essence of Creation, 3rd edition, as she asks us all a profound and necessary question, "Where is YOUR KHAYBAR Today?".
And remember, with the help of the Almighty Allah and some sincere effort on your part, you will definitely overcome YOUR Khaybar, even if it's waking up and living another day for the sake of Imam al-Mahdi (A).
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